Hi Again 🙂
Last week I blogged on how important it is to know what our Core Values are and how having similar core values to a partner is essential to having a long-term, healthy relationship. Please Click Here if you would like to read last week’s blog. The simple exercise below should help you to define your core values.
This can be fun if you’d like it to be. Try not to over-think or take too long, its best to just choose the words that jump out or make you think YES. You can do the exercise alone or alongside some friends or….or if you’re really brave …with your partner! 🙂
Look at the list below and choose the core value words that resonate with you most. You can choose as many as you like or add ones if they aren’t already on the list. Remember, core values are things that are important to us in life, they aren’t qualities we’d like to attain or achieve, they aren’t a wish list…they are values that are present in our lives and how we live them every single day.
Abundance | Acceptance | Accountability | Achievement |
Adventure | Ambition | Appreciation | Attractiveness |
Autonomy | Balance | Boldness | Brilliance |
Builder | Calmn | Caring | Challenge |
Charity | Cheerful | Clever | Coach |
Community | Commitment | Compassion | Cooperation |
Collaboration | Connected | Consistent | Conceive |
Contributor | Creativity | Credibility | Curiosity |
Danger | Daring | Decisiveness | Dedication |
Dependability | Discern | Discover | Diversity |
Educate | Empathy | Encourage | Energise |
Enthusiasm | Ethics | Excellence | Exhilarate |
Experiment | Expressiveness | Fairness | Family |
Friendship | Flexibility | Freedom | Fun |
Gambler | Generosity | Grace | Growth |
Guide | Happiness | Health | Honesty |
Humility | Humour | Healer | Impact |
Improve | Independence | Individuality | Influence |
Ingenuity | Innovation | Invent | Inspirational |
Intelligence | Intuition | Joy | Kindness |
Knowledge | Leadership | Learning | Love |
Loyalty | Make a Difference | Mastery | Mindfulness |
Model | Motivate | Nurture | Observe |
Optimism | Open Mindedness | Originality | Passion |
Performance | Personal Devlpmnt | Proactive | Professionalism |
Peace | Perfection | Planner | Playfulness |
Pleasure | Popularity | Power | Punctuality |
Quality | Recognition | Risk Taking | Relate |
Relationships | Reliability | Resilience | Resourcefulness |
Responsibility | Responsiveness | Sensitive | Self Control |
Selflessness | Simplicity | Strengthen | Success |
Safety | Service | Spirituality | Security |
Stability | Support | Teamwork | Teach |
Thankfulness | Touch | Thoughtfulness | Thrill |
Traditionalism | Trustworthy | Understanding | Uniqueness |
Unite | Uplift | Usefulness | Versatility |
Vision | Warmth | Wealth | Well Being |
Wisdom | Zeal | Gratitude | Communication |
Intimacy | Integrity | Dignified | Cautious |
Once you have your list, place them into five different groups that make sense to you. It doesn’t matter in what order or where you place them, just create groups from the list that feel comfortable to you, as if the words sit well together. My core value list and groups are something like this:
Relationships | Humility | Curiosity | Intelligence | |
Intimacy | Uniqueness | Caring | Empathy | Knowledge |
Honesty | Passion | Compassionate | Wisdom | Spirituality |
Family | Empower | Integrity | Quality | Teach |
Freedom | Fairness | Communication | Warmth | Personal Develpmnt |
Love | Gratitude | Responsibility | Growth | Service |
We then choose one word that seems to best represent each group. There is no right or wrong, just pick the word from the group that resonates with you most, such as mine below:
Relationships | Humility | Curiosity | Intelligence | |
Intimacy | Uniqueness | Caring | Empathy | Knowledge |
Honesty | Passion | Compassionate | Wisdom | Spirituality |
Family | Empower | Integrity | Quality | Teach |
Freedom | Fairness | Communication | Warmth | Personal Develpmnt |
Love | Gratitude | Responsibility | Growth | Service |
Finally, we create a statement for each core value such as:
I uphold honesty in all of my relationships
I want to empower others to heal themselves
I take full responsibility for all of my actions
I am constantly growing
My faith and spirituality is an integral part of my being
This exercise isn’t set it stone, its just a simple way of mulling over whats important to you, what you cannot bend or break on. I could not have a relationship with someone who did not respect or accept the above core values and the fact that they are the driving force in my life. My lovely partner isn’t a spiritual person for example, but he accepts and respects the fact that I am and listens when I need to talk about things, even if he doesn’t understand everything (and lets face it, when you’re an energy worker, no one other than another energy worker is going to fully understand the crazy world we live in 😉 )
I hope the above exercise helps you to focus on your core values. If you choose to manifest a healthy relationship in your life or want to understand why a current relationship may not be working out so well, then you are now armed with knowledge that can help.
The best crystal to use is Natural Citrine, because it connects us to the essential essence of ourselves through the solar plexus chakra. Citrine brings us what we need, not necessarily what we want, and focuses on self esteem, self confidence and trust in both ourselves and the bigger picture. Please Click Here if you’d like to read my informative blog on Citrine. In addition, please click here if you would like an extensive list of crystals relating to romance and relationships.
As with all relationships, it is important to start with ourselves ~ with self love and self respect. If we can do this for ourselves, then by Universal Law, we will only attract those that do the same.
Have a great week, much love
Krissy XXX