Krissy Hodges
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment
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Krissy Hodges
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment
Krissy Hodges
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment
Ensuring we are grounded and have asked for protection is a vital element of walking a spiritual path.
We have to be grounded in order to know where our base is and where we are coming from. If we do not ground ourselves, eventually we’ll go ‘high’ on spiritual energy and the only way down is with a bump.
Energy can move in strange and mysterious ways so it is also essential to protect ourselves. We are not protecting ourselves from attack on any level.
Protection relates to the aura. When emotional or physical blocks are released/cleared/cleansed, any negative energy needs to be released outward, not absorbed inward. As our awareness levels rise, so does our vibrational frequency. Others are drawn to these lovely vibrations and can feed off our high, positive energy.
They and you may not even be aware it is happening, but how many times have you felt great, spent 10 minutes with one person and feel like you’ve been through the wringer? Protecting ourselves means we not only repel negativity, but prevent others from draining us. Its all about keeping ourselves as solid and sure as possible.
A dear friend passed on this exercise some time ago and it has been a blessing. After several requests, I have decided to put it on the website and hope it is of help.
This exercise cleanses & aligns the chakras, grounds us into the earth and then surrounds us in protection for the day. Once mastered, it can be done in seconds. First, we have to ground ourselves:
Once grounded, select which colour light you would like to surround yourself with – I’ve found the following useful:
Once you have chosen your colour (and it can be ANY colour, whatever resonates with you at the time is perfect), begin to pull that colour up from deep in the earth. This is an imaginary, visualisation exercise, so what form this colour takes and how you imagine it is uniquely personal to you and will be absolutely right.
Bring your colour back up the roots you’ve just used to ground yourself, into the earth chakra beneath your feet. Connect with the colour and what it represents, then bring it back up through the centre of your body, spinning the chakras again (which direction is your choice, there is no right/wrong) until it comes out of the top of the crown, spilling over to surround your body in a bubble of coloured light.
Give thanks and know you have just cleansed, grounded and protected yourself. Do this exercise each morning to empower and protect yourself. Once you can do this exercise quickly, you can use it instantly any time you feel nervous, have low energy or feel the need for a top-up on whatever level!
If you have trouble visualising, a helpful tip is to do this exercise in the shower. The water then becomes the light and you can feel it pouring over and down your body, connecting with the earth at your feet. Sometimes the morning shower is the only place many parents get privacy and peace in a day 😉
On a subconscious level, this exercise puts you in touch with who you are and provides the control to govern how your day works. It should be a fun, energising, empowering exercise. Don’t worry if you’re not doing things exactly as directed. The very act of trying something tells the Universe what you are hoping to achieve. In return, the Universe will assist and help you find the most appropriate methods for your own personal development.
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