Krissy Hodges 
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment 

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Manifesting a New Home With Ease

A PERSONAL STORY “Sometimes, the Universe will ask you to be patient as it’s organising something far better than you can imagine” This quote truly resonates as in November 2023, our landlord of 11 years advised that he was putting our house up for sale. At the time, I felt blindsided, devastated and burst into

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Crystals and Neuro Diversity/ADHD

This week, I wanted to talk a little about crystals and how they are an excellent tool to support those with Neuro Diversity (ND). In layman’s terms, this is because electrical frequencies run along the neural pathways in our brain and crystals emit frequencies that, in my experience, can alter how our brain waves function.

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Menopause ~ What They Don’t Tell You

I’ve had a lot of little nudges to write a blog on menopause lately, so am doing so from a place of personal experience. I turn 50 in October and as I’ve learned to master my physical health, that relates to hormones too! Some of the information you may know, but I’ll guarantee there’s quite

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Grounding and Protection

Ensuring we are grounded and have asked for protection is a vital element of walking a spiritual path.

We have to be grounded in order to know where our base is and where we are coming from. If we do not ground ourselves, eventually we’ll go ‘high’ on spiritual energy and the only way down is with a bump.

Energy can move in strange and mysterious ways so it is also essential to protect ourselves. We are not protecting ourselves from attack on any level.

Crystals and Colour Therapy

It has long been known that wearing different colours or liking a crystal of a particular colour can indicate things about our subconcious. Colour can be used to tone things down, brighten things up, raise our spirits and even make our eyes sore!

The below information on colour is what we’ve learned over the years. It’s a handy indicator of where our sub-conscious is by the colours we reach for/connect with at any particular time. It also indicates how you can use colour to help yourself.

Crystals and the Chakra System

As a very general rule, we can look at a crystal, examine its colour and attribute it to one of the Chakras. However, the energy of the world we live in is changing….therefore, what crystals do is changing and the books that are being released now aren’t keeping up fast enough.

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