Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
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Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Availability: 1 in stock
This is gorgeous little piece of rough, natural Super Seven (Melody’s Stone) straight as it comes out of the ground. However, it has then been slightly polished to take the sharp edges off. So these pieces feel both smooth, yet rough and very organic simultaneously. This mineral in rough is actually quite hard to source, particularly in small, tactile, usable pieces. Many say that Super Seven is just included Amethyst ~ I agree, it is, but it is included with a LOT of energy and mixtures of minerals ~ these particular pieces are rich in colour, energy and are extremely potent. Perfect for Crystal Grid work or popping in a pocket or bra as you go about your day.
Super Seven is named as such because it is a mix of 7 Different minerals: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Clear Quartz, Lepidocrosite, Smokey Quartz and Rutile. It is an all round cleansing, healing & energising stone. It is said to be good for mood swings, depression or mental chaos and excellent for healing on all levels. Super Seven brings people together, aiding spiritual connections that benefit our personal growth. It opens our awareness to higher perspectives & information, aiding connection to our guides & those in Spirit. It is also grounding, although it is quite a strong energy and can take some time to get used to if you’re sensitive.
You will receive the crystal in the photograph. Approx 2.3cm (23mm) long X 1.5cm (15mm) wide.
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