Krissy Hodges 
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment 

Soul Purpose/Past Life/Karma/Core Wound Astrology Reading


Availability: 10 in stock

My Astrology Readings look at the here and now. Most astrologers will look at the Natal (birth) Chart and tell you lots about your personality as a child. However, I have learned that whilst this is very interesting information, it isn’t the most helpful as we change and grow so much as we become adults.

This reading is a deep, Soul based reading that looks at any past life energy or karma you have brought with you into this lifetime. We experience our karmic energy strongly until age 28-30, so we are very familiar with it. Our karma tells us what we don’t want in our lives and how we can clear or transform those negative energies.

From age 28-30 onwards, we start to move into alignment with our Soul Purpose. I dive deep into your unique Soul Purpose in this lifetime, providing practical ways that you can bring that energy into your life. Our Soul Purpose is what our Soul is here to experience, it isn’t necessarily what we do for a living. Some Souls wish to experience a successful career, others want to parent, to build strong support networks, to live a life of adventure, to master their physical health, to become a leader ~ and the luckiest ones are here to play & have fun! If we are in alignment with our Soul Purpose, everything in our life flows in an easier, more positive, enjoyable way.

Lastly, our Core Wound is something we all have and are all familiar with. It is that niggling cycle or upset that follows us around all of our lives. For example, ‘I am not good enough’ or ‘No one is there for me’. This runs like a constant program at the back of our mind, repeatedly tripping us up until we learn to manage it.

Knowing our Karma ensures we know what energy we don’t want to be in and lessons we have already learned. Knowing our Purpose confirms why we are here and allows us to do just that, which makes everything in life flow better. Knowing our Core Wound allows us to heal it and transform that wound into an incredible gift of some kind.

This is a tremendously helpful guide to keep us on track throughout our entire lives. I have had so many people that have found this particular reading life changing.

If you would like to see an example of one of my Soul Purpose/Karma Readings, please drop me a line via the contact form and I’ll pop one over on email. I remove all of the astrological jargon so your reading is in plain English and very easy to understand. You can then let me know if you’d like me to simplify things even further or whether you’re happy with a report as it is.

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