Epidote is a stunning mineral that was first discovered in the early 1800s in both Greenland and Salzburg, Austria. The first discoveries in the UK were made in Wales in the early 1900s and can still be found in Marloes Bay, Pembrokeshire and widespread throughout Gwynedd today. Epidote is a mineral in it’s own right, but is also the name of a group that contains 30 other minerals, such as Zoisite, Allanite & Tanzanite. This blog refers to the pure, mineral Epidote rather than the group.
Epidote forms in deep green rods and clusters, often growing in or amongst other minerals, particularly Quartz. Polished Epidote often looks like it has black streaks through it, but these are simply shards of pure, crystalline Epidote that when polished, become such a dark green, they can look black. Lower grade Epidote polishes up as a lighter green, often mixed with white, which is usually Quartz or the base rock it formed on. They call this grade Snowflake Epidote to distinguish it from pure, crystalline Epidote.
It’s name comes from the Greek word epidosis, meaning ‘increase’ and is called Pistache in some European countries given it’s colour is similar to that of a Pistachio nut. Epidote certainly is a very specific/particular hue of green. Epidote in Quartz is often called ‘Dream Quartz’ or ‘Chiron Stone’ as it is said to manifest our dreams and desires or facilitate deep, emotional healing.
Epidote is not a fluffy crystal to work with. It is one that demands presence and self awareness ~ diving within to discover the cause of mental, emotional, physical or spiritual blocks and to clear them ~ permanently. This makes it very useful for healing therapies as Epidote sends a blast of energy throughout our physical and energetic bodies, highlighting where there are blocks and clearing them where possible. Alongside Apophyllite & Kyanite, it is a mineral every Energy Worker should familiarise themselves with, particularly if you can ‘see’ timelines or energy.
If blocks have been in our system for many years, it’s impossible for any crystal to clear them for us. We have to do the inner work and facilitate our own healing, gaining awareness around why we’re struggling so we can then take right action. Many of us have issues, but have no idea why or where they may have come from other than ‘childhood’. If we really want to do that deeper work, Epidote is a divine, metaphysical tool that will support us in doing so. Epidote is a holistic crystal in that goes to the root cause of the problem, whether that be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
On a physical level, because of it’s ability to clear energy within the body, Epidote is a great mineral to work with if we’re trying to detox our physical body. It works directly on the adrenal system, which releases hormones responsible for our metabolism. It also supports our lymphatic system, which is a vital part of our detox & immune system.
Epidote can also work on our spiritual energy system and our dream state, facilitating lucid dreaming and the ability to astral travel. It raises our energy through clearing out anything stagnant, which allows our vibrations to rise and this is why many state that Epidote allows them to connect with guides and other spiritual entities. If you’re into ET’s, this is the mineral for you ~ always ensure to call forth only those guides & helpers that hold the highest love for yourself & humanity as there’s a lot of icky energy around at the moment.
On a mental level, Epidote will point us towards old programming, limiting beliefs and the mental thought patterns that do not serve us. We all have these thought patterns, usually learned in childhood, but often as adults too. We may have a certain belief or perception of a situation, the World or another person that blocks us from experiencing the highest version of ourselves or others.
In layman’s terms, our brain is like a computer and our childhood lays down our base programming. This programming will run forever ~ unless we change it and upgrade that program to something that embodies our authentic, adult selves. In these instances, I would advise meditating with Epidote and having a notebook & pen beside you when doing so. Ask to be shown what thought patterns are hindering you and where the root of those patterns comes from ~ which is usually our inner child or inner teen.
On an emotional level, Epidote really goes to town on our heart. Sadly, many of us have barriers (called heart walls) when it comes to REALLY letting love in or loving ALL of ourselves. Many of us are fantastic at giving, but not so much in receiving. Epidote will help you work through the layers and draw in energy from the Universe to guide you towards clearing them. As a society, we desperately need our heart chakras open in order to fully effect change within ourselves & collectively, the World. Never doubt how much your own, individual ascension contributes to a healthier collective energy.
I’ve never used a more powerful crystal for manifestation. It’s freakishly fast! I tested it when I first starting working with Epidote over 20 years ago now. For manifestation to be successful, I knew to visualise, feel and completely believe that what I was asking for was not only possible, it was already here, now. So I imagined having £75 at the end of the day and feeling full of giddiness and joy. Within ten minutes, a lady I had never heard of contacted me asking for five pieces of a specific mineral that sold for £15 per piece. This was an incredibly rare mineral that very few people ever asked for and certainly not five pieces at once. I sat there completely stunned, then felt ridiculously giddy as I realised the power of manifestation ~ and that of the crystal supporting me!
I personally believe that Epidote is coming to the fore now for a very specific reason (interesting that it’s showing itself prolifically now, rather than early 2020). This is because Epidote helps us to see through the veils of illusion and to identify whether something is truth, or fiction. It is also the stone of manifestation from our heart, via ‘in-spirit-ation’. So, we are now being called to manifest the highest, most amazing future for ourselves and collectively for the World.
2025 is going to be fast. It’s important to ascertain what it is we want and to take action towards it. With Epidote, our energy will flow swiftly towards whatever we’re focusing on to pull it from the future, into the ‘now’. So, my advice would be to work with a future version of yourself via visualisation and to use crystals and/or sound to raise, enhance or amplify your personal energy. Epidote will be an integral support energy throughout the coming years as it is absolutely excellent at removing filters that might be stopping us from seeing the World, the Collective, other people and even ourselves as we truly, authentically are. Good or bad, Epidote shows us it all. Other than Vivianite, Herkimer Diamonds or Brandberg Crystals, Epidote is THE best crystal for conscious meditation and for sending distant healing to others via Mother Earth.
I find crystalline Epidote to be one of the most igniting, motivational Earth energy crystals I’ve ever worked with and have kept a piece of this on my bedside table for several months now ~ programmed to work on my physical heart, higher heart and heart chakras whilst asleep ~ it is specifically programmed for ‘Peaceful, healthy love’ and for the first time in a long time, am consistently waking up in my heart and with gentleness as this kind of love always starts with the Self. I’ve been strongly guided to love myself on really deep levels, like never before, and this is now expanding out throughout my life, igniting my heart and sacral chakras so creative inspiration is pouring in to the point I really have to sit and feel into which project or path to work on each day ~ and it’s usually whatever brings the most joy.
Epidote also releases patterns of negativity. It teaches us to positively change our thoughts, words and actions so life can be transformed. You must ensure you have some of what you wish to manifest. For example, if you’re wishing for ‘love’, bring to mind someone you really really love or a situation in which you deeply felt love. Imagine the energy of that love flowing into every cell in your body, so you’re literally brimming and vibrating with it…… then move on to manifesting ‘love’ through visualisation. Imagine how it will feel to be seen, heard, accepted, understood and loved for exactly who you are. Feel it, use ALL of your senses and then program your crystal to do the same. Epidote will ensure that ‘love’ manifests ~ as long as you’re treating yourself in loving ways ~ although please be mindful of divine timing. Sometimes when we put an order in to the Universe, it can take a little time to organise things for us 😉
Epidote is a powerful mineral, but not one to be afraid of. It’s easier to work with it in Quartz as this lightens the intensity and doesn’t take us so deep, so quickly. Quartz points containing Epidote are fantastic for crystal grids involving manifestation or healing, whether for people, for a situation or for Mother Earth. Make sure to point them inwards, so they draw the highest energy of the Universe into the grid.
With love and bright blessings
Main Photo Credit: Mindat
4 thoughts on “Epidote ~ The Most Powerful Manifestation Tool in the Mineral Kingdom”
Darling Krissy, I am horrified you went through the torture of kidney stones and want to say it’s not fair… but what do I know? I do know about Berberis 30 a homeopathic remedy that works on preventing and letting go of kidney stones and you should get some from Helios or Ainsworth (or me! of course) and take it prophyllactically (can’t spell on computer) once a month. Teresa 07805238914
Bless you Teresa and thank you so much. I’ve worked hard on myself energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically, so have managed to clear them for now. However, I am really interested in prevention as my body is still swimming in Calcium due to a whappy parathyroid. So I am really interested in anything that can prevent more from forming or, even worse, the calcium laying in my arteries, so will email you separately. Really appreciate your message, thank you and lots of love x
Can Epidote pair up with Peridot?
Hi, yes indeed it can and would be a wonderful combination as Peridot eases irrational fears and fear in general, moving us into our heart and the energy of unity, rather than separation. So it would be much easier to manifest from this sort of energy. Many thanks and bright blessings, Krissy