Krissy Hodges 
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment 

Pyroxmangite ~ Healer of Sacral, Solar Plexus & Heart Issues

Pyroxmangite is an incredibly rare, high-temperature polymorph of Rhodonite. In plain English, this means it is the highest quality,  most intense energy/vibration version of Rhodonite with an extremely high concentration of Manganese. There are none of the grey or black lines that are normally associated with Rhodonite.

Manganese is mined primarily for the medical industry as it is one of the main constituents of Morphine based pain killers. I absolutely love this crystal ~ it doesn’t seem to photograph well, but in reality, the first time I held it, it made my mouth water and the colour and energy is so intense ~ but in a manageable way. I felt it strongly in my lower chakras, then the energy rose and it felt like my heart opened wide and a huge surge of energy and love burst forth, making me feel amazing and smile a little in wonder 🙂

Despite it’s pink/red colour, Pyroxmangite works strongly on the sacral and solar plexus chakras, as well as opening up the heart chakra. This beautiful mineral stirs and energises our lower energy centres, shifting us if we are stuck or reluctant to face/work on these issues. It pushes us to move forward and open our heart again ~ whether our heart has been closed by childhood trauma, past life experiences or something we’ve been through recently.

Pyroxmangite also works on the physical heart, speeding up recovery after surgery or if someone has experienced a heart attack. It is said to show us the reasons behind such physical experiences and also eases the symptoms of any blood related diseases or those involving bone marrow.

It is much more powerful mineral than Rhodonite when working on respiratory issues such as the lungs, emphysema and auto immune diseases. In general, this is one of the premier minerals to use after we have experienced physical trauma of any kind. It eases the high physical energy caused by such trauma and soothes our emotional energy system too. Double whammy! 🙂

Pyroxmangite supports the solar plexus and it’s related issues in a very stimulating way, raising our levels of confidence and self esteem. If we have been having family problems, are struggling to fit in where we are living or are having problems with people at work, Pyroxmangite slowly teaches us the core issue of these interactions whilst soothing our nervous system, so we can work on releasing them and become happier in our home or job. It also works on the digestive system, easing symptoms of IBS and stomach problems.

Pyroxmangite is said to bring in the energy of the ancestors, particularly feminine energies. It offers an energy of love, nurturing, self care and forgiveness. It is also a fertility stone, but one I would keep on a bedside table or in a handbag as this stone is so rare, small pieces are almost impossible to obtain. I have seem small tumble stones, but they were £12 per stone and not great quality!!


Crystals can do many different things. I adore the fact that Pyroxmangite not only looks and feels incredible, but it works on so many chakras spiritually, our heart emotionally and our physical body on so many different levels. There hasn’t been a find of this beautiful crystal for a long time and certainly not of this quality! I believe it has appeared for a reason, although there were only 6 pieces in total and I bought them all ~ keeping one aside for myself as I feel this one works on me all the time (it’s on my bedside table).

To sum up, Pyroxmangite has a high, quite intense vibration. It aids us to heal ourselves on emotional and physical levels. If any of our current issues reside in the Sacral, Solar Plexus or Heart Chakra areas, then this is a crystal that will help to release that energy so it doesn’t manifest into physical disease. If it has already manifested into physical disease, then this is a crystal that guides us to work backwards to the core issue so we can be set free, healing our heart, mind and body. It has a huge impact on clearing emotional pain, fear, anger and resentment and the pressure and illnesses this causes to our physical body. 

Have a wonderful day

With love and blessings


Click Here to see the Pyroxmangite pieces I have in stock

2 thoughts on “Pyroxmangite ~ Healer of Sacral, Solar Plexus & Heart Issues”

  1. Karen Brigg

    Hi Kristy
    Hope you are well,
    I really felt a connection with pyroxmangite do you have any left please.

    Still the best crystals and your knowledge leaves me in ore xx

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