Krissy Hodges
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment
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Krissy Hodges
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment
Krissy Hodges
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment
Availability: 1 in stock
This is a lovely polished pebble of the extremely rare Amphibole or Angel Phantom Quartz. These pieces feel very organic and in tune with the energy of the earth ~ they feel really comforting and work in a subtle, but powerful way. Most are absolutely fascinating to look inside, like they hold mini ‘other worlds’ within them.
Amphibole stimulates the upper chakras and is said to be excellent for nervous disorders or disease. It releases excess worry/fear and reminds us of spiritual support during difficult times. Amphibole reveals our deepest patterns, beliefs and karmic influences. It aids us in connecting to our Higher Self, Spirit, Guides and Angelics by raising our vibrations high enough that we can hear our intuition clearly. Amphibole is also excellent for dream or vision work.
You will receive the crystal in the photograph. Approx cm (mm) long X cm (mm) wide.
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