Have you ever heard of a Manifestation or Vision Board? I hadn’t until several years ago when my son & I decided we’d try it out one wet & windy winter’s day. It seemed like a good creative project we could sit and do together and I wanted to empower my boy to realise he could create his own reality. As it was just after Christmas, we decided to work on what we would like to achieve or manifest in the coming year ~ little did I realise just how powerful & effective it could be! This is a great exercise to do personally or with children as they love the magic and creative aspects of it.
A manifestation board is made up of a collection of things we would like to bring into our life. Â It can be a board on which several different things are placed in word or picture form, such as a picture of a new Television, the words ‘Overseas Holiday’ next to a picture of a sandy beach or something that represents a new job. It can be something material, emotional, physical or spiritual or a mixture of all of those things. We can also create a very specific board, for example, to attract and manifest the ideal relationship or maybe a personal board representing who we would like to become in the future.
To start with – we have to know what we want and it has to be reasonably achievable. Yes, am sure many of us would love a lottery win, an Aston Martin DB9, a large 6 bedroom house with a hot tub or a huge yacht & our own island…..but those are a little difficult to start with (note I said to start…..I have no doubt, in small steps, those who believe can achieve!). Â Once we know exactly what it is we want, then we can place it on our manifestation board.
When I say ‘manifestation board’ ~ this can be anything, it doesn’t actually have to be a board! When I first did the exercise with my son, we used inexpensive children’s scrap books that we looked through often. I’ve also used an old cork board, a board we used to pin notes on in the kitchen, large pieces of a cardboard box and picture frames.
The process is simple. Gather together words and pictures. These can be can be photographs you’ve taken or pictures you’ve seen on the internet, which can be printed and then cut out. You could also cut pictures and words out of magazines or newspapers or get really creative and draw or create the words or pictures yourself with ink, pencils, colours, paint ~ whatever feels the most joyful and creative to you, because the energy (rather than effort) you put in is important.Â
You then place these words and pictures onto a board, a picture frame or into a note book ~ anywhere you will constantly look at them. I prefer a board or picture frame as its something you can see all the time. I hang mine on the wall. You have then created your collage of dreams 🙂
This board can be added to or things taken away from it at any time. If we’re creating a board for the year ahead, then things might manifest quite quickly in some areas, so the successes can be removed and new dreams put in their place. On a personal level, I’ll quite often add to a board, but prefer not to take anything away as my focus will then turn to the things on the board that haven’t appeared yet. I also like to look at the end of the year and see what worked and what didn’t. There are often reasons things don’t manifest and thats normal. We aren’t always supposed to have everything we want at any given time. Its just one of those things! Or we might find we focused on some things more than others, or indeed wanted some things more than others.
The most important thing about a manifestation board is what we do with it after its been created. I’ll write about that on Monday to keep this blog short. The pictures in this blog today are examples of other people’s boards. On Monday, I’ll share my own Personal Romance board, how it was created, how I used it and how quickly things manifested for me. For those of you who have made a board in the past…. make another one. December’s energy is all about manifesting, about putting out into the Universe what we want moving forward. 2014 is really going to teach us the power of our mind and how much our thoughts create our reality. More than ever before. We can capture and use that energy to our best advantage!!
Take some to think about what kind of board you want and what you’d like to put on it ~ Please Click Here for Part 2 of this blog that details how to create a board and make it work for you!
Loads of love
1 thought on “How to Create A Manifestation/Vision Board Part 1”
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