Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
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Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Availability: 1 in stock
This is a dense, polished piece of extremely rare Grandidierite from Madagascar. It is one of the most expensive minerals in the World. Each piece is unique and you’ll be drawn to the one that will support you the most. The energy of polished Grandidierite is strong, deep and pulsing. There are shimmers, flashes or sparkle under the surface of these pieces that draws you into them visually. If you prefer gentle energies, work with a rough piece as it’s far lighter. These pebbles are hand polished and a variety of sizes, so please check sizing carefully.
To read my informative blog on Grandidierite, please click Here.
Grandidierite is a heart centred stone that packs a punch. I’ve never worked with anything like it. It is grounding, stabilising, supportive and very feminine. However, it contains the highest form of POWER in our feminine energy at any given time. It’s a strong energy to work with. For me personally, it moved me into the energy of acceptance and vulnerability within one day of working with a polished pebble. It has allowed me to access & release heartbreak, an emotional energy I didn’t even know my system was holding. Heartbreak that was getting in the way of my ability to trust.
Grandidierite supports us in our surrender and vulnerability, in our intuition and ability to step into compassion and love, in inner child work and deep, deep healing. For me, it moves us towards becoming the Divine Feminine, the Divine Mother. With healing our wounds that are ancestral and passed down from mother to child, generation after generation. Grandidierite takes us deep into Mother Earth and deep into ourselves, forming a connection with all parts of ourselves. It allows old emotions to bubble to the surface so we may acknowledge them, feel them, comfort the wounded part of ourselves and then release them. This mineral is not for the feint hearted. There are plenty of crystals that support the heart chakra, self love and emotional healing. Grandidierite goes right to the roots, to the core of our issues and emotions, connecting us to our absolute truth and authenticity in all it’s glory.
You will receive the crystal in the photograph. Approx size 3cm (30mm) long X 3cm (30mm) wide.
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