Pinolite is a generic name for a rare mixture of Dolomite, Graphite & Magnesite found only in Austria and some very small deposits in British Columbia, Canada. The small white flecks in the grey/black matrix look like pine kernals or little seeds and the literal translation of Pinolite means ‘pine stone‘.
Although Pinolite was discovered in 1873, it is an fairly unknown mineral that isn’t mentioned in many crystal books due to it’s rarity. At present, the mines in Austria are currently exhausted. Despite it’s rarity, the price is extremely reasonable.
On a physical level, Pinolite is said to soothe the nervous system, calming down any over active (ie stressed) areas of the body. If you hold your nerves in your stomach, chest, head or muscles on any level, you might feel the energy of this mineral pass through like a wave, easing any tension as it goes. It is a great stone for insomnia as it soothes the emotional, physical AND mental systems.
The Magnesite (white) element of Pinolite is said to be good for teeth and bone growth, so this is a great stone to carry when healing from broken bones! It also has a detoxifying effect, particularly on a physical level. I felt the urge to drink more water, eat healthier and was generally made more aware of looking after & nourishing my physical body when working with it. Several people have reported the same feeling, so I would say Pinolite is helpful when trying to lose weight or start a new exercise regime. The Dolomite (black) element of Pinolite is said to be helpful with reproductive system disorders, PMS/PMT, hormones and menopause.
The energy of this soft, supportive stone is beautiful. It is solid, stable, protective, grounding and provides strength. The energy of the stone itself is very soft, but how our body then translates that energy into action is anything but! I feel such gentleness, yet such strength in this little stone! I want to call the one I worked with ‘my little friend’ as he truly feels like a supportive ally in my pocket 🙂
Emotionally, Pinolite is very calming and soothing, easing emotional upset and pain. Some emotions are extremely difficult to feel or process such as grief, sorrow, pain, loneliness or despair. Pinolite eases those feelings so we are in a better position to work through them. If you prefer to suppress your emotions, this is not the stone to use.
The Dolomite element supports us in giving and receiving in equal measure (as we’re often uncomfortable with one or the other). It is important to keep the energy flowing in and out of our system as balanced as possible so we don’t become over active or fatigued. Pinolite feels quite joyful too, lifting the spirits whilst providing a stablising energy. It’s a great stone for hyperactive people!
On a spiritual level, this is a lovely stone to use if you just want to hold one whilst meditating, reading or lying down to rest. It is a good stone to provide grounding and protection whilst doing visualisation or manifestation work. It is said to aid psychic development as it makes us feel ‘safe’ enough to open up and let go! This element can be applied in any area of life.
Pinolite also encourages love ~ both of ourself and others. It helps us to love the parts of ourselves that we are neglecting at any given time. This little black & white stone can make us feel safe when opening up the heart chakra, particularly if we’ve been hurt or betrayed in the past. I love how it bucks the trend of mainly pink/green stones working in the heart area 🙂
Pinolite supports our spiritual growth by giving us the strength in every day life to work through, heal, process and accept and can also be programmed to specifically support us in developing our psychic abilities. It doesn’t open our upper chakras up in a rush of energy, but instead builds our confidence slowly, but surely, from the inside out so we feel calm, in our adult self, in control and excited about the direction we’re going in.
To sum up, Pinolite works on multiple levels. It is soft, gentle and supportive, but extremely effective, particularly on mental, emotional and physical levels.
I would work with this stone on a consistent basis as it has a cool side effect of strengthening our connection to our Higher Self. We know better than to doubt our gut instinct, but most of us still do it from time to time as we second guess ourselves or don’t give ourselves enough time to really tune in and feel what is best. That won’t happen when working with Pinolite as it calms us down and connects us to our wisdom so effectively.
Carry it in a pocket, sleep with it, meditate with it, but certainly get to know Pinolite before using it on others. This particular stone feels like it needs to attune itself to our energy and make a connection on a deeper level than most. That probably sounds nuts, but those who worked consistently with Pinolite for 3-4 weeks or longer had the best results & feedback.
This beautiful, fascinating stone requires more from us than being shoved on a shelf or occasionally popped in a pocket. It wants to be our friend…….and we won’t want to let it go as it is the most wonderful, supportive, uplifting new stone I’ve come across in a long time 😉