Krissy HodgesĀ 
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentĀ 

Tiger’s Eye – Item D


Availability: 1 in stock

Beautifully polished piece of Tiger’s Eye, with an amazing flash of coloursĀ and patterning on it. These pieces are all super high quality and energy, so you’ll be drawn to the one that will support you the most šŸ™‚

Tiger’s Eye is good for the digestive system, stomach ulcers, IBS etc. A crystal with strong male energies and therefore imbues the wearer with inner strength. Aids confidence, creativity, willpower, self-belief and self-esteem. It also has excellent protective properties. Draws in wealth & prosperity.

Approx 3cm (30mm) long X 2cm (20mm) wide. You will receive the crystal in the photograph.

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