Krissy Hodges 
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment 

Peach Morganite – AA Grade – Item G


Availability: 1 in stock

This is a very rare find indeed! These are stunning polished pieces of Peach Morganite with sparkle, rainbows and sublime energy! They are high grade, a beautiful, deep peach with lots of translucent gemmy areas. It is an expensive crystal and incredibly hard to source in Peach, so I was delighted to find high quality, more affordable pieces with energy that is divine 🙂

Morganite is a member of the Beryl family and is known as Pink or Peach Emerald. The energy is one of the most loving, beautiful vibrations in the Mineral Kingdom. So much so, it’s the stone in my engagement ring! Morganite can bring love to one’s life or rekindle old love. It also works tirelessly on our connection to Divine Love and is an excellent ally when learning Self Love. It is known both as a crystal of angelic and heart energy. Morganite brings compassion, empathy, self-control and patience. It can also balance emotions and ease the pain of separation. Physically, Morganite is used for healing emphysema, tuberculosis, heart disease, breathing problems and throat problems. It is associated primarily with the heart chakra and can open, clear, balance and soothe our emotions ~ particularly if we are healing emotional issues from the past. The energy of Peach Morganite differs slightly from the pink in that it stimulates the emotions held in the Solar Plexus and Higher Heart Chakras as well as the Heart. It has a different energy which is more about love & joy than just love on it’s own.

Approx 3cm (30mm) long x 1.8cm (18mm) wide. You will receive the crystal in the photograph.

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