Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
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Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Availability: 1 in stock
This is a stunning piece of high quality, natural Shattuckite. These are the first, high grade stones I’ve been able to source in several years. The energy is simply beautiful and each piece is unique. You’ll be drawn to the piece that can support you the most.
On a physical level, Shattuckite is said to be good for diabetes, blood sugar balance, physical balance and the absorption of vitamins and minerals. It is used primarily as a psychic connection and communication stone however. It connects us strongly to our guides & totems and is fantastic for all forms of mediumship & communication on all levels, from human to spirit and beyond. Shattuckite is excellent for chanelling, automatic writing or public speaking as it has a strong, stable, supportive energy. It aids us in taking responsibility for our actions and to view things from a realistic and rational state of mind.
You will receive the crystal in the photograph. Approx 2cm (20mm) long X 1.5cm (15mm) wide.
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