Krissy Hodges 
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment 

Sausserite – Item L


Availability: 1 in stock

This is a lovely piece of the rare Sausserite. It has the most uplifting, bright, fresh energy and really goes to work on supporting us in both giving and receiving more love.

Sausserite is said to clear, cleanse and raise the vibrations of our Heart and Higher Heart Chakras. On a physical level, it soothes the nervous system and calms anxiety. Sausserite is a stone of emotional transformation, recognition, acceptance and balance. It encourages us to become more self aware & conscious, to release judgement and move into a place of acceptance.

You will receive the crystal in the photograph. Approx 2.7cm (27mm) long x 2cm (20mm) wide.

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