Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
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Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Availability: 1 in stock
ENTIA Jewellery pieces are one off, unique designs all the way from Australia. Many of the stones are dug from the Australian outback by hand and then turned into the most stunning jewellery pieces! They cost more than the more commonly found Asian jewellery because they are crafted by hand ~ piece by piece ~ as opposed to being mass produced by machine. The energy of the stones, alongside the unique craftsmanship & design, makes these pieces a wonderful investment as the quality is in a class of it’s own. I love the detail given to Entia Jewellery. Each has ‘Entia 925’ as it’s hallmark in tiny writing. It makes these pieces absolutely unique and you know you’ve bought something made by a true artist & designer.
Also called St. Michael’s sword, connecting to Arch Angel Michael.  Blue Kyanite is balancing, calming, soothing and pulls our chakras slowly into alignment.  That alignment is likely to throw up any issues that are causing the imbalance, so Kyanite is a crystal I’d recommend using consciously.  Blue Kyanite promotes psychic ability and honest communication on all levels. Kyanite only ever gives off positive energy. Blue Kyanite creates a bridge between us and all things spiritual. I wear it a lot at work as it keeps my mind clear & connected, my speech honest & compassionate, my body protected and in perfect alignment. Green Kyanite is nature, earth and elemental. Black Kyanite is very grounding, magical and protective. They call it a Wizard’s stone 🙂
Ocean Kyanite seems to capture the essences of all the other colours and raise them in vibration, particularly stimulating our higher heart and our heart connection to the Divine. It carries a strong, feminine energy for me within a clearly defined, masculine structure. Hard to describe, but if you’re familiar with ‘warrior’ energy, either in others or within yourself ~ it’s the fierceness of that energy, only from a place of Love instead of fight/defence/protection. It supports me in finding my power/strength through vulnerability, openness and love and represents the perfect blend/balance of the divine masculine and feminine energies within all of us.
Two amazing pieces of crystal set in a highly unusual design. The Sterling Silver is super thick and the ring even has a slight ‘give’ in it, which is really handy when the hands get hot.
If you’d like to read my informative blog on Kyanite, please click here. There is also an individual blog on Ocean Kyanite ~ please click Here.
Ring size is in the main heading above. You will receive the stunning ring in the photograph. I accept returns, no questions asked. Please note however that I do not offer a try before you buy service. People have taken advantage of this in the past and I’ve had to decline any further custom from them. Please only purchase if the ring is your size or close to it. Obviously with rings, they have to fit comfortably, so am happy to exchange/refund no problem, but please respect this service. Thank you 🙂
Entia jewellery comes in a beautiful presentation box that won’t fit through the large letter slot. Therefore, these pieces must be sent as a small parcel. If you’d prefer regular packaging, please let us know when placing your order. We’ll immediately refund the excess postage and post the piece in flatter packaging for you.
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