Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
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Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Krissy HodgesÂ
Healing – Transformation – EmpowermentÂ
Availability: 1 in stock
These deep, almost neon (natural) green, polished pieces of Chrysoprase are some of the highest quality and energy I’ve come across in a long time. This magical mineral stabilises our emotions by connecting us deeply to Earth energy and comfort ~ it is also said to impart strength during times of transformation & challenge.
Chrysoprase is useful in balancing ourselves and activates and opens the heart chakra. It instils a state of grace, facilitating a deep meditative state. Chrysoprase can help us heal a broken heart. It reduces superiority and inferiority complexes. Chrysoprase helps to make us more aware, encourages hope, improves the eyesight and assists in clarifying problems. A cure for restlessness, it makes the wearer quick witted, imparting adaptability and presence of mind. Eases depression and strengthens the heart.
Approx 2.8cm (28mm) long X 2.4cm (24mm) wide. You will receive the crystal in the photograph.
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