Krissy Hodges 
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment 

Aurichalcite & Hemmimorphite – RARE – Item D


Availability: 1 in stock

This is a rough piece of Aurichalcite growing with Hemmimorphite, straight as it comes out of the ground. It’s got a really interesting energy as emotionally and physically, it soothes really quickly! There is something very feminine and calming about it’s energy. Great mineral to work with when accessing our divine feminine and wanting to stand in our power or clear any old emotional or mental debris that get in the way of that.

Aurichalcite is said to clear the aura and soothe our energy field. It encourages stability & helps us recognise that the only thing to fear, is fear itself. It provides a protective shield in the area in which it is placed. Aurichalcite also brings a deep sense of inner peace, so serenity can manifest in your outer world. Enhances personal freedom, allowing the release of old, patterns.

Hemmimorphite is excellent for connecting to Spirit and receiving information from other realms. It is a powerful crystal for opening and clearing higher chakras. Hemmimorphite calms the emotional system, bringing forgiveness, release of resentment or anger and the healing of karmic ties between people. On a physical level, it is excellent for PMS, hormonal related problems and mood swings. An extremely good emotional and heart healer.

Approx 4.6cm (46mm) long X 3cm (30mm) wide. You will receive the crystal in the photograph.  Apologies for the slightly higher postage, but this piece will be sent in a box at small parcel rate in order to protect it. If your parcel arrives and postage is under £4, please contact me for an immediate refund of the difference. Thank you 🙂


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