Hello There 🙂
I’ve written a few blogs in the past about the difference between Personal development and Spiritual development and why we cannot achieve one without the other. Every one of us spiritually minded folk are eager to evolve and learn about, strengthen or improve our intuitive gifts (which we ALL have…..each of us is different, but we all have an ability of some form)….. what most of us don’t realise is that we have to work on our Personal lives first in order for our Spiritual energy to expand enough for us to learn/grow/evolve more on an energetic level. The most effective way of referring to this is ‘Raising Our Vibrations’.
Human beings resonate at a low frequency. Simple things such as eating a meal, being inebriated, falling ill or having personal issues…..all of these things and many others can lower our vibrations even further. This is perfectly natural ~ I have to eat something after working on a spiritual level to bring my vibrations back down to a more manageable, everyday working level (most folk call this ‘grounding’).
However, the higher we vibrate, the better we can work on an intuitive level. It really is that simple. (Please Click Here for my informative blog on Spiritual Development Part 1 and Click Here for Part 2).
Things that might hold us back from developing spiritually are:
- Childhood trauma that has not been addressed such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, an accident or death of a close family member
- Childhood wounds that have not been healed such as being derided, scorned, put down or not supported enough emotionally
- Negative behavioural patterns that do not serve whom we have become as adults. These are usually patterns that have been placed on us by our upbringing. They could be negative patterns such as an inability to express anger in a healthy way, being addicted to something or closed down, defensive or repressed around true intimacy or our physical bodies. Not all patterns are due to parents doing something wrong either….there are a lot of patterns that are simple and feel so right, such as feeling responsible for the whole family and therefore never feeding your own spirit or being reluctant to try something new or different due to a parent being a worrier or struggling with sexuality as it was seen as ‘dirty’ or ‘not talked about’ as we were brought up. If something is holding us back in any way from becoming all that we are…..or there is an inner, niggling feeling that there is more out there or something just isn’t right ~ then it is usually a pattern holding us back.
- Not all wounds occur in childhood. They can occur at any point in life, particularly as we mature and begin having our own relationships. Dishonesty, betrayal, bitterness, inactivity, boredom ~ all of these things are triggers that can lodge in our system and prevent us from moving forward.
Part of my intuitive gift is knowing exactly where work needs to be done in order to empower someone to move forward, to loosen up their energy, to raise their awareness levels and bring more joy, happiness and satisfaction into life.
One of the best ways I have found to do this work is through 1-to-1 Readings and Personal & Spiritual Development days that are an entire day spent with myself that is dedicated to YOU.
These days aren’t a walk in the park, but they are fantastic for development, positive focus, forward movement, confidence and empowerment. There are four main sections (tarot, astrology, psychology & crystals and intuitive experimentation). Its a lot of information and requires folk to really dig deep ~ but together, we can achieve in one day & at a reasonable price what many people undertake in expensive courses that last months. I have lovely clients that travel up from London as what I charge in a day, they’re charged the same for an HOUR in London! (yes, I did consider moving) 😉
I prefer to work hard for one day, know where I am, know where I’d like to be at the end of the year and know how to get there in a simple, easy to understand way.
A Spiritual development day ALSO releases the need to have constant readings throughout the year for guidance…. some clients have done so and reported back that it was a waste of money as they were told the same things we’d already gone through on our personal development day! I mix a healthy blend of science, intuition and fun so although we buckle down and dive deep, its all very laid back with a healthy dose of humour! I can’t do the work for you, but I can support you along the way in feeling confident and positive about doing things for yourself.
If you’d like detailed information of just how much the day encompasses, then please Click Here. If you’d like to talk to any of the lovely clients whom have experienced a day with me, then that can be arranged too 🙂 Often things like this can seem scary or daunting, but if you’ve ever met me…..you’ll know I walk my talk and know my stuff, but in a supportive, humorous, laid back way……. If the day requires giddiness, fun, excitement and play, then that’s what we’ll do. Others may need calm, gentleness, peacefulness, comfort and support ~ the day truly is tailored to your energy system and needs the minute you walk through the door. I’m never sure how it’s going to go, but as long as we’re both open and willing, it’s always going to go well 🙂
A Spiritual Development day can be carried out via Skype if you do not live in the UK or aren’t able to travel. If being held via Skype, the day will be broken down into two or three hour sessions held over several days or whatever suits your schedule. All days are tailored to the client’s specific circumstances as some people have more awareness or knowledge of, for example, astrology or crystals….in which case, we focus on and incorporate something that will be new and exciting for you 🙂 MANIFESTATION seems to be a key word at the moment, so am happy to swop one of the sections and do something more creative if thats how you roll……for example, working with you to create your own Manifestation Board and teaching you how to EFFECTIVELY work on raising your vibration and manifesting the life you want.
Faith simply isn’t enough any more. We all have to do the work to support our beliefs. I can also work out a payment schedule if needed, please just drop me a line and ask ~ money isn’t my primary motivation and therefore shouldn’t be your primary concern 🙂
Personal Development is incredibly important ~ without it, we can’t evolve spiritually. FACT.
Much love and cosmic cuddles
1 thought on “Spiritual Development and YOU”
I have moved on to reading your responses on the dimensions now Krissy. I will store my observations and questions when we catch up digitally. This write-up reflects me and my future journey in a way and I see how you’re certainly not an accident I stumbled upon 💗