Over a decade ago, I received a call from an incredible energy worker and healer whom I had known for many years. We usually connected at the nationwide Mind, Body & Spirit events I used to exhibit at. We’d also had some deep dives and undertaken personal work together too. Every time we met, my Soul would light up.
At a glance, you would never have known the power this small in stature, yet huge in heart woman was able to channel, or the fabulous guides and ‘entourage’ of Spirit that followed her everywhere she went. I used to look up from my stand sometimes to see Spirit filling the room and spilling out as far as the eyes could see.
This wonderful healer had been guided to sell her entire ‘working crystal collection’, and asked if I would like to buy it. When I explained it wouldn’t be possible to give her top dollar for it at that time, having just moved to Yorkshire, she replied “That doesn’t matter, it’ll come back to me in other ways. The right people will be drawn to these magical pieces and you’re the person Spirit says should have them”.
Now normally, I wouldn’t purchase a whole collection as am incredibly picky when it comes to crystals and hand select everything personally. However, I “knew” with every fibre of my being, that this lady’s crystals would be off the scale in quality, potency and impact. They weren’t there just to look pretty. They had travelled with her far & wide to be utilised in caring for our planet, to shift negative energy in large swathes of land, to open or close portals and Lord only knows what else ~ every hair on my body went up and the energy of fire crashed through it in waves.
“YES PLEASE” was the reply and within days, she drove several hours across the country to deliver them. It was so exciting to receive them, to feel their magic and power. Some of the larger pieces were simply jaw dropping and many of the smaller ones nearly took my head off! I kept picking up pieces of what looked like plain Quartz, turning them over and going “Holy WOW, these are amazing” as what was underneath was a powerhouse of blended crystals and energy. It felt like Christmas.
A few weeks later, it was time to clean them up and release them to the World………….. and OH!!! What a disappointment! It was like they’d lost all of their shine and energy. I wondered “Is this because they’re with me now?” ~ Spirit were silent. Each piece was gently and lovingly cleansed, placed on the grass in the garden in beams of sunlight. Some were even buried for several nights with Moldavite, when meteor showers passed over. Nothing. De Nada. It was like they’d all died.
It was heart breaking and I cried! Crystals can easily shift their energy, brighten up, tone down, sparkly one minute, look dull the next, change colour ~ all sorts really and not all of it can be explained by science. Energy can truly have a life of it’s own at times. Year after year for 4-5 years, I brought them out, went through the cleansing and charging process, put them under sunlight, moonlight, running waters in our local forests, reikied them and tried over & over again to bring them back to life. Still nothing. Gutted! So they were packed into under-bed boxes and forgotten about.
When we recently came to move house, the boxes came out to be transported and I thought ‘Should I just bury them all here or auction them off in one lot’ and it was a firm, intuitive, NO!!! There was SO much stuff to move already, it felt irritating as it’s a large collection and weighs a ton. We’d only been in our new home for a few days and were up to our eyes in boxes to unpack, when all of a sudden, a voice out of nowhere said “NOW!” and a clear image of the Collection appeared in my mind’s eye ~ aaaaaaand was ignored. There were more important things to organise and sort out first, like clothes and food!
So, as often happens for me when ignoring guidance, the sleepless nights started. The dreams started. The “NOW” got louder to the point I thought “Oh for God’s sake, I’ll clean the bloody things and pop them on the grass in bright sunlight….. AGAIN”. Whatever it took to get a good night’s sleep and stop the internal nagging!!
Slowly, but surely, it was hard to believe……. as they ALL came alive again. They sparkled, they shined, they emanated such friendliness and warmth. They tingled as I gently cleansed each one under running water with a toothbrush, which is a painstaking task when you see how many delicate needle points some of these pieces have. It was like I was dealing with a completely different set of crystals. These had been shut down for a decade ~ not just a few weeks or months, but TEN YEARS!!! What the heck????
In all honesty, I have NO idea why they waited so long. Maybe they were doing a job for us in the old house that we were unaware of. Maybe they didn’t like the old house, maybe it wasn’t the right time, maybe they were still working on behalf of Mother Earth, maybe they were needing to rest & recover. Whatever the reason, it’s not clear why. Am only aware that the time is NOW and they need to fly out to their new guardians to start sharing their magic with the World again. It’s one of the oddest experiences with crystals EVER, which is saying something, as I’ve had some extremely weird & wild experiences working with stones & energy over the past 20 years. Never anything like this though.
So, if you feel drawn, am slowly releasing small batches of these incredible crystals over the coming weeks. Most are from very old mines that are how closed and crystals like them are on specialist collector’s websites for 100s, sometimes 1000s of Pounds. I’ll detail in each listing (where possible), where you can look at them on other sites so you know just how much of a bargain you’ll be getting.
They’re a fantastic investment (the price of rare gemstones/crystals has risen over 30% or more in the last few years), so much so, a few will stay with me for many years to come. Payment plans are available for the more expensive pieces or am happy to hold them until pay day. Please just ask for what you need and I’ll do my best to flex/accommodate. You’ll know if a piece is for you as it won’t leave you alone….. they’re a rowdy lot 😉
CLICK HERE to view this very special, Private Collection and check back each week as more pieces are listed.
With Love
2 thoughts on “Incredible Energetic Tools”
I’m so glad you have mentioned how crystals seem to potentially go dormant, for whatever the reason. I’ve seen how I inadvertently overworked a crystal (through gridwork–so I didn’t notice it immediately) even though I was periodically cleaning and recharging the grid. When I took the grid down the crystal (60 lbs Arkansas quartz cluster) was dull and looked half its size. I wondered if there was an ICU for crystals and went through a lot of practices to try and bring it back. Eventually I also left it to recover and its beauty came back. I’m now trying my best to not over use crystals and be more mindful when they need a rest period. I’m even more grateful for them too!
Hi Kelly, lovely to hear from you. It’s absolutely fascinating when we see crystals morph or change in line with their usage isn’t it 🙂 If you do feel a crystal has been overworked, I’d wash it in running water (tepid from the tap is fine if no fresh water/sea/river/stream nearby) and then bury it in the Earth for a few weeks. 21 days usually does it. Then bring it out into the light on a sunny day, wash it again and place it on the grass/ground in bright sunlight for a couple hours. This usually recharges/resets them and they’re then good to go again. If you’re ever wondering whether usage is a good idea, simply cleanse/charge and then ask them ‘Yes or No, would you like to work now’ and go with whatever the first answer is that comes into your head. That way, you’re allowing the crystal to choose, rather than the mind if that makes sense? Have a wonderful day, sending you lots of sparkly love, Krissy.