Krissy Hodges 
Healing – Transformation – Empowerment 

For Healers, Therapists, Counsellors and Friends Everywhere

I saw this beautiful poem on Facebook last week and wanted to share it here today. For anyone walking a spiritual path, working with others….in fact, for anyone, anywhere ~ this is beautiful and so important.

When you sit with a friend in pain,
when their world no longer makes sense;
when confusion rages 
and no rest is to be found.

Just for a moment,
will you resist the temptation
to make things better,
to reassure them,
to provide answers,
even to heal them?

Will you offer your stillness, your listening,
your presence, and the warmth
of your immediacy?

Will you hold them in your heart
with the same tenderness
of a mother holding her little one?

Will you embrace them where they are,
without needing them to change or transform
according to your own needs and schedule?

Will you stay close,
holding your own impatience and discomfort near?

Will you look into their eyes
and see yourself?

Will you stay in the inferno of healing with them,
trusting in disintegration,
knowing that you are only witnessing
the falling away of an old dream?

Sometimes in doing nothing
everything is undone,

and love is revealed to be
the only true medicine.

– Jeff Foster & Matt Licata


Such beautifully penned words. Sit for a minute after reading this, a moment of stillness in the busy-ness of the day. Close your eyes. Calm and centre yourself within and rest the mind, body and soul…….just for a moment.

Allow yourself to feel LOVE. Whether for yourself, for others, for strangers, for Mother Earth, for those in Spirit, for the Divine. Sit with LOVE, just for a moment. Let it sink into your bones, that beautiful feeling. Then take a deep breath, and get back to whatever you were doing before.

Its these snatched moments of stillness, of connectedness, of love, that can keep us going through the busy-ness and speed of each day.

MUCH love and have a fantastic week XXXX



4 thoughts on “For Healers, Therapists, Counsellors and Friends Everywhere”

  1. this is such a awesome sight and poem I love it…..thanks so much for all your emails…. I look so forward to reading them and you always have things of interest for me. especially a lot of info to think about…. I love it thanks Charlene ross

    1. You’re most welcome Charlene, thank you for being part of the sparkly tribe 🙂 xx

  2. Good day, I have a question that has been on my heart. A few wks ago a close friend was visiting and we did a Reading together in my meditation room where my Reiki grid is. We went out to brunch and returned to my house. She began to gather her belongings to head home. After she left, I went upstairs in my meditation room and noticed the crystals on my Reiki grid were turned in a circular pattern counter-clockwise and the selenite wand was placed across them. I asked her if she moved the crystals and she said “absolutely not, I would not touch your Reiki grid ever”. To be honest, I truly do not believe she moved them. Why would she? Is it possible that they moved on their own and if so what does it mean and how would it happen? Thank you for advising, if you have any idea. Blessings

    1. Kristy Hodges

      Hi Lisa, thanks for your message. Spirit move in ways that are unquantifiable, yet also undeniable. I have had things moved or go missing, then turn up somewhere that was searched 10 times. We can view it as something scary or freaky or as a blessing. Our Ego mind is always so desperate to ‘know’ how things happen that we often miss the wonder of why 😉 What was the intention of the grid when you set it? Have you worked with the grid since? I would do so now and focus the energy on the pattern that has been gifted to you ~ as there will be a reason for it. Counter clockwise speaks of astrology to me as the planets move around our natal chart in a counter clockwise direction, whereas nearly everything else moves clockwise. So there may be something in that for you as it just popped to mind out’ve nowhere. Hope that helps Lisa, with brightest of blessings, Krissy

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